Gibran Khalil Gibran
Who is Gibran Khalil Gibran
The Prophet
Broken Wings
Dancer an excerpt from "Wanderer"
History & Nation
Untitled Poem for the first edition of Syrian World Magazine.
Reflections on the Path of Lovean excerpt from "The Beloved"
Poems from Jesus the Son of Man
Mira's Khalil Gibran's Page, a nice page by a nice person
The Earth Gods
Bsharri: The Birthplace of Gibran
Quotes of Gibran Khalil Gibran (A-->F)
Quotes of Gibran Khalil Gibran (G-->H)
Quotes of Gibran Khalil Gibran (I-->K)
Love Quotes of Gibran Khalil Gibran
Quotes of Gibran Khalil Gibran (L)
Quotes of Gibran Khalil Gibran (M)

Ommar Khayyam
Rubaiyats Translation by Edward FitzGerald
More Rubaiyats
Omar Khayyam's Writings.

Rabiindranath Tagore
Where the Mind is Without Fear
Fire Flies
Later Poems of Rabiindranath Tagore
Hard Times

Mavlana Jallaluddin Rumi
A collection of extraordinary loving poems written in the 13th century
Some Poems of Rumi
The Ceremony of Turning by Rumi
Life of Mavlana Jallaluddin Rumi
Student Essays on Rumi

Urdu Poetry Links
Hamid Syed's Urdu Poetry Page
Other Poetry & Literature Links
Mariam's Poetry Park
Zeejah's Home Page
Love Poetry Page
The Poetry Pond
Your Poetry Page-Check it out yourself
International Poetry Archive
Welcome to the corners of My mind.
Dong Webb-The Wine Press Poetry Nice Page to visit
The Carnegie Mellon University Poetry Index of Canonical Verse
The House of Hindi Poetry
The Internet Reference Library ( Huge Resource of Poetry & Literature Links

My interest in Poetry is pretty recent. Khalil Gibran's (1883-1931) writings developed in me, an interest for Literature. I believe, that Gibran's writings are one of the best in the world. Especially his works "The Prophet" & "The Broken Wings" are divine. Why do i like him. Because i believe that he had experienced the real essence of Life, Love, Beauty and Nature. His writings speak of humanity. His wrtings tell us about what We are. I am also inspired by Omar Khayyam whose links along with others could be accessed below.

Do let me know some nice Poetry or Literature links or if you would like to send your material. Also please notify if any link has expired.Thank you.

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